Dressage.it interviews: Evi Eisenhardt

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Evi Eisenhardt has been judging internationally since 1989 and is now one of the world’s five-star judges that has been in the jury of World Cup Finals, European Championships, World Championships and Olympic Games.

Her equestrian ‘story’ began as a child, together with her sister Beate, when her father encouraged them to attend a riding school in Bad Nauheim.

«My first encounter with horses, – she tells Dressage.it – dates back to when I was seven years old. I learnt the basics in a typical German riding school. After a few years, my father gave me my first horse and I started doing dressage and some small show jumping competitions. Right from the start, I realised that dressage was my first choice anyway».

When she was 18, the German federation awarded Evi a gold badge: her equestrian career appeared to be very promising, but… Despite about 100 successes in the advanced level, when it comes time to choose between a career as a professional rider and University, Evi opts for her studies. In record time she graduates in medicine and becomes Dr Eisenhardt. But there was certainly still room for dressage in her well-organised life.

At first, Dr Eisenhardt combined riding and judging (and being a doctor…). Then, at some point, she ‘hung up the saddle’ and devoted herself exclusively to judging.

«I became an international judge and then, finally, a five-star judge. Being a competitor myself, I took the judge’s task very seriously. To judge well and fairly: that is my goal».

«I usually have no worries when I sit on the jury. I love to see well-trained horses moving in a relaxed and expressive way. These extraordinary animals can sometimes offer such intensity with their presence that I can still be moved».

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